When you’re ready to take the plunge into the sea of self-custody, make sure you use crypto the safest way possible. Because avoiding beginner mistakes is much better than developing a fear toward the future of money. So, feel more confident with the six steps below and use any crypto a safer way.

A safe crypto is easy to use, has a professional community, and is a viable purchase in your jurisdiction. So if you want to use crypto the safer way, then make sure to dig into the details. Starting with asking yourself, “how easy is the crypto to use?”


Step 1 – Ask yourself, “how easy is the crypto to use?”

By now you know you want to buy a certain crypto. Maybe you heard about it on the news? Or, perhaps you fell down a Reddit rabbit hole and have found your dream crypto? Whatever the reason, make sure you make your investment safely by discovering how easy the crypto is to use, before you buy it.


Step 2 – Found out who controls the platform.



Step 3 – Make note of the known risks.



Step 4 – Use an aggregator to dive into a crypto’s community.



Step 5 – Visit the crypto exchanges and snoop around.


Step 6 – Plan your wallet setup with confidence.



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John Doe